If there’s a more complete workout on the planet, we haven’t found it yet.
Boxing hits every body part and muscle group, increasing mental and physical agility along the way. With every punch, you’re working your arms, chest, back, and core. Footwork drills, weaves, and low punches work your legs. Pad work sharpens your memory, coordination, focus, and reflexes.
It is the strength of accuracy: connecting with a moving target, from the heavy bag to pads to the double-end bag and speed bag. It’s all about controlled focus, force, and awareness.
The magic of boxing is that it offers the same benefits to anyone at any level, whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned regular. The exercises remain just as challenging, no matter how good you are. It’s always going to be hard, in the most rewarding way.
Despite the intensity of movement, the environment is non-competitive – there’s no sparring or trying to knock each other out, and unless you really want to, you won’t face off against another human at any point during a class.
And when you combine the intensity, the movements, the coordination, and the concentration, you get a workout that’s actually fun! An hour flies by and, before you know it, you’ve burned way more calories than running, lifting, or a HIIT class, building muscle that will keep your metabolism humming long after you hang up your gloves.
The mental benefits of boxing give the physical benefits a run for their money: improved neuro-cognitive performance, elevated mood, sleep quality, self-confidence. Boxing has even been studied as a rehabilitation treatment for mental health, COPD, Parkinson’s disease, breast and ovarian cancer, and dementia, with promising results.
Oh, and did we mention the therapeutic potential, stress relief, low risk for injury, and camaraderie built from group classes? Yeah, all of that, too.
So, if you’re finding yourself wondering “Why boxing?”, the better question might be “Why not boxing?” Your body and your mind will be invigorated, and you might just find yourself hooked, like we are.